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August 18, 2015
       August 18, 2015
Holly Palmgren, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance.

Holly Palmgren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

  • An Enforcement Order was issued to Mr. Gerald Oberhelman at 296 Sterling Road, Princeton.  Mr. Oberhelman gave an overview of the property before he took over in 2004.  He built a new house on the property that was raised up from the original flat lot due to groundwater.  Mr. Oberhelman and the Board of Health had a meeting on August 17, 2015.  Chris Knuth reviewer for the Board of Health could not attend the meeting but will review the property.  Mr. Oberhelman said that a few solutions were discussed:  the pipe might be encased in cast iron or stainless steel to protect the pipe; test holes can be dug to determine what is under the stream boulders/ledge then insulate and bury the pipe a foot deep and then cover with concrete; by burying it deeper may cause freezing of the pipe due to the pump chamber.  Goddard Consulting will still be doing the work but Mark Arnold won’t be involved with the project.  Doug Andrysick will start the survey this week.   Mr. Oberhelman will keep the Conservation Commission up to date with the progress.
  • Discussion regarding an email received from Goldman Engineering for Old Colony Road, Assessors Map 6 Address range 1-5 was tabled to the September meeting.
  • A letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts giving the schedule for site walks on the Fieldstone Farm Land was received.
  • A meeting took place on August 6, 2015 with Scott Jackson and a Representative from U Mass as well as John Vieira regarding the training for the culvert study.  Representatives from Holden, Westminster and Paxton also attended.   There will be training then field training under the supervision of already trained people.  It was discussed that maybe Worcester State/Fitchburg State may have students to do an internship.

2015 Agenda September 15 Draft PCC rev-1.doc

  • A Request for Determination was received from Beals and Thomas for Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. for 42 Pheasant Hollow for repaving of the existing driveway and minimal expansion of the paved area within the 100- foot buffer zone to the bank of an intermittent stream.  The public meeting was opened at 7:45PM.  A site visit took place on August 17, 2015 with Brian Keevan and Mary Kate Schneeweis from Beals and Thomas. The intermittent stream was dry during the site visit.   Mr. DePalo couldn’t attend the meeting.  Mary Kate explained the work to be done.  A Negative 3 Determination was issued with special condition for a site visit after the erosion controls are in place.  The meeting was closed at 8:02 PM.
  • A letter dated July 27, 2015 was received from The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Historical Commission regarding Fieldstone Farm Land Acquisition.
  • A letter dated July 29, 2015 was received from DCR regarding the Watershed Protection Act.  The PCC wanted copies to be made and left at the Town Hall for applicants to have as well as have the link be put on the web site.  Copies were made for Town Hall and the list was put on the PCC web page.

  • Forest Cutting Plan for George Wallace Revocable Trust for Pine Hill Road Princeton for 39 acres.
  • Forest Cutting Plan for Andrew Engelman for Brook Station Road for 60 cords.
The July 28, 2015 minutes were accepted with minor changes.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Marsha Dowdy